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The future    Version 5.4.0
        Improve customization of Web site (the code is done, need to wrap a dialog box around it)
        Allow printing of a small logo on the various reports
        Add on-line and context sensitive help
        Write a manual
        Add new types of rounds (prefinale with only ited couples redancing and prefinale with notes, not only marks)
        Add a scheduler to define and print competitions chaining and give an overview to the technical director
        More attributes for each competition (send me your suggestions)
        ... anything you may propose ...
Planned in next release    Version 5.3.7
        Completion database: ability to manage severals databases.
2003-01-21    Version 5.3.6
        Bugfix: in file saving (in some rare cases, the save was corrupted, the file was saved correctly in XXX.save1.ska).
        Bugfix: judge management could lead to incorrect state.
2002-12-12    Version 5.3.5
        General: new plugin mechanism to allow creation of competition from external sources. (contact the author to develop a plug-in if you want to import data in a special format). This is much more powerful than the Excel import which was offered. A similar plugin mechanism has been develop for the printing subsystem too.
        Event management/Judges: new option to compact the 10-dances competitions and show only one button for all the dances in the judges selection.
        Event management/General: the dances composing a 10-dances competition are now shown in the summary.
        Printing: new option to print the summary list (list of all the competitions).
        Bugfix: the round management was not working with re-dance in 10-dances mode.
        Saving: added special 'rescue' file generation should a bug occurs in saving process. Please report this kind of problem to the author.
        Event: new dialog to group couples and automatically sort couples by alphatebic order when attributing the number.
2002-11-11    Version 5.3.4
        Bugfixes (default language was not loaded, bug while printing results, bad refresh of panels when creating new judges)
        Localization: new Italian translation (contributed by Bruno Torre & Daniela).
2002-09-27    Version 5.3.3
        Printing: added two new kind of reports used in IDSF competitions.
        General: can now use 'Country' instead of 'School/Club' when entering couples' information.
        General: to conform to IDSF way of reporting results, the ex-aequo couples are reported X-Y to show the range of places instead of the average place (the old mode can still be used, use the settings window)
        General: global attributes can be defined for a competition (place, organizer, music, ...)
        Examples: new competition illustrating how to use pre-qualified couples.
2002-07-17    Version 5.3.2
        General: bug fixes in panel management (was improperly limited to 10 panels).
        General: bug fixes preventing the save of 3s.db (database for quick input).
        General: The user can now choose the dances short name (e.g. set 2 letters). Better it was computed as the first letters of each word composing the dance name.
        License: New mode for licenses. Unlimited time, but limited to a max allowed version. Need to renew license for major releases.
2002-05-08    Version 5.3.1
        Quite a long time since last release ... but I have started a new job and changed houses, so I was busy lately.
        General: many bug fixes in judges selections. The synchro between Event Management and competitions was not always correct.
        General: major changes in panels management. Now the panels used in each competitions are memorized. A change of judge in the panel will be reflected in all the competitions using this panel (this kind of change is only possible before notes are given). The judges' letter changes are also tracked and updated in panels.
2002-02-28    Version 5.3.0 beta
        General: support localization by translating all the strings of the program (in Settings/Language string can be changed and new languages added)
        General: support for prequalified couples (a couple can join the competition in any round).
        Rounds: speed up keyboard input by auto-selecting the next judge when all the required marks are given. Also select next dance automagically.
        Printing: new output with the list of couples competing for the different competitions (useful to have an overview).
        Printing: judges enrollment to show which judges are judging which competitions. Can be used to see judges distribution among competitions.
        Printing: new option to avoid printing of heat list.
        Competitions templates: support for basic editing (text edition with search & replace).
        General: bug fix in the ranking algorithm which was producing bad positions in some rare cases (a really big thank you to Grant Donnelly who found the bug)
2002-01-07    Version 5.2.2
        Bugfixes in print, better processing of panels & templates names.
        Finale: new tabs to enter the finale notes by judges. All the dances are presented on one screen as printed on the mark sheets.
        Finale: improvement of keyboard input. The judges are using letters and the couples numbers, so the first digit following one or more letter means to select to corresponding judge (thanks to Fulvio for this idea, among many others).
        Competitions: new dialog to allow quick creation of competition using template. (right click on the 'New Competition' icon). Models files for ISDF, FFD/CNSD, ANMB and "compétitions de médaillés" available. Ask for other templates files or just use a text editor (simple list, see the provided file for examples).
        General: you can now save and load preferences files (this allow multiples users and/or multiple event styles).
        General: speed improvements when displaying Event/Couples or Event/Judges with a large number of couples, judges and competitions.
2001-12-05    Version 5.2.1
        Major bugfixes, some of some could lead to file corruption while saving.
        Printing: number of selected/asked couples for the next round printed in the results.
        Printing: print a list of judges (if requested) when printing result for one given round.
        Option: rearragment of printing options.
        General: support for 'Pre-finale'. Adds another round if too many couples are qualified for a finale.
2001-11-19    Version 5.2.0
        General : support for user attributes for a competition (age, type, level).
        Web site generation : support for international sites (Unicode support).
        Printing : mark sheets can now be printed with all the dances on one sheet (work best with full page format).
        Printing : support for user defined formatting in the headers (main header + mark sheets).
        Printing : in summaries, the results are now printed from the highest round to the lowest (the lastest round achieve by one couple is shown first).
2001-11-06    Version 5.1.1
        Web site generation : automatic generation of a ZIP archive to allow the visitor to download a complete version of the site (up to 90 or 95 % of compression).
        Printing : mark sheets are now grouped by judge, and the mark sheets for each judge start on a new page if requested.
        Printing : user can print the results of the competitions (when available) in the enrollment sheets.
        About : display of the version number and URL for this site on the splash screen.
        Credits: special thank for Fulvio and Istvan for ideas to improve the program.
2001-10-22    Version 5.1.0
        New and more professional installer for Windows.
        New way to enter the couples & judges for the competitions, directly in the tables where the names are defined. This offer a good summary of the couples & judges involvement.
        Possibility to enforce the 50% rule (at least 50% of the competitors should be selected from one round to the next).
        Direct adjustement of the number of couples to select in the next round.
        Direct printing of the heats in the result tab.
        Support for couples aliasing. Use the notation '1.1', '1.2' to create severals entries for one number. Couples aliasing do not work in 10-dances mode.
        Added new shortcuts to ease input. Double click on a couple or judge name in mark input window will toggle all the notes : this allow quick input of the couples seleected by all the judges.
        Ask confirmation before to quit the program
        New option for mark sheets : all the dances for a finale can be printed on one sheet or, as before, one danse per sheet.
        New option for enrollment printing : the couples can be grouped by school/club.
        Bug fixes: use of "Shift+Tab" in the tables, support for cut & paste into the tables, some print out incorrect in ten-dances summaries.
2001-06-19    Version 5.0.5
        support for international languages (limited for Windows 9x, full support for Windows NT/2000)
        support for file association on Windows (open a '.ska' file with a double click)
        export/import (using clipboard) of the auto-completion database for edition (e.g. with Excel)
        contextual popup menu to allow renaming of competitions/folders
        minor bug fixes (mixing of judges with 1 and 2 letters was not functional, problem to create a competition after the 'New/Standard mode' dialog)
2001-05-28    Version 5.0.4
        printing : add support for user defined margins
        printing : the user can now select the pages to print
        printing : new options to print judges' letters instead of the X
        printing (mark sheets) : new options to print only the heats, to add list of judges and/or dances, and to allow a space for judges to sign
        new function to force the validation of a round even is the marks given by the judges are incorrect (usefull if some judges forgot the select the correct number of couples)
        new license scheme allowing severals ID to be embended in the same 3s.license file
        generation of Web site : working code, most of the custimization part is missing
        minor bug fixes
2001-05-09    Version 5.0.3
        minor bug fixes
        you can now toggle quickly all the marks for a couple or a judge by clicking on its number or name
        in the summaries, new colunm to show the cumulative total of marks or sum of places for a couple
2001-05-01    Version 5.0.2
        bug fixes
        enhance support for printing
        list to check enrollment of couples
        new features when printing judges' mark sheets
        auto-saving of data now possible
2001-04-18    Version 5.0.1
        support for ten-dances style competition
        support for printing marks-sheets for the round & finale
        automatic management of heats
        support for more judges (now a judge must respect the format letter + letter/number, so 962 judges maximum)
        GUI improvement (thank to Fulvio Secolo for many ideas)
        printing fully rewritten to support landscape printing and remove bugs when using some printers
2001-03-26    Version 5.0.0 (released only to beta-testers)
        thank to all the people who help me testing the release
2000-11-01    Version 4.0
        management of user preferences
        new way to input the couples and the judges (tables à la Excel)
        support for import & export of couples and judges
        support for judges' panels
        support for templates to defines group of dances
        possibility to add a comment for each round in each competition
        new features to handle excluded couples in finales
        improvment of printing: the long lines are now truncated
        bug fixes and generation of a 'bug report' file to ease bug tracing
        Special thank to Fulvio Secolo (ANMB Genoa Comitee, Italy) for pointing out a bug. This file illustrate the bug: when more than two couples where tied for a place, the tie was incorrectly handled.
        Special thank to Grant Donnelly (New Zealand) for pointing out a bug This example.ska file illustrate the bug: when using the rule 11(d), after affecting the place, you need to start again the rule 10.
2000-04-27    Version 3.1
        correction of a (nasty) bug in some case when using rules 11(d)
        added a mode to order the couples by marks total when printing
        some bug fixes
2000-03-24    Version 3.0
        fast selection of couples and judges (just typing their number or letter)
        automatic or manual management of rounds (arbitrary number of couples in each round/finale)
        when printing the table of couples is now sorted in order of the couples places
        new summary in event window (# of couples, judges and summary of the competitions)
        database keeping the name of couples and judges (automatic completion for the next input)
        some bug fixes
        New site. I am now hosted at Free.fr
1999-08-15    Version 2.0
        new management of judges (differents sets of judges can be affected to each round)
        printing of summary table for couples/judges in the sheet for finale
        printing of the finalists name in the summary sheet
1999-07-12    Version 1.2
        new scrolling features using the keyboard
        correction of bugs in printing
        new tips to know the name of couple/judge when entering data
1999-06-15    Version 1.1
        support for 640x480
        new way of signaling changes in couples/judges
1999-06-02    Version 1.0
        first public release

Copyright © 2000-2001 Laurent Riesterer.
Last modified on Jan 21, 2003.